
As of September 1, 2021,the Integral Service of Registration of Construction Works (SIROC) of the Social Security Mexican Institute is updated according to the following: User is added: Specialized work execution subcontractor. The REPSE Number field is added, for the user's work record when appropriate in the case of Contractor, Subcontractor and mandatory for the Subcontractor of specialized work execution. The figure of intermediary can only register: recruitment, selection, training, among others.
What is SIROC?
It is an application established by the IMSS called the Integral Service of Registration of Construction Works, to facilitate that the employer or obliged subject dedicated to the construction activity, allows him to comply with what is established in the Regulation of the Mandatory Social Security for Workers of Construction by Work or Determined Time, regarding the registration of a construction work and its incidents.
What types of employers can register works in the SIROC?
Public Works: Contractor, Subcontractor and Intermediary.
Private Work: Owner, Contractor, Subcontractor and Intermediary.
What does the Bimonthly Report tell us?
Indicates the financial progress of a construction work.
What is the closure of works?
It is the last phase of the construction process and the consummation of the work contract, which is made up of four fundamental stages of which are:
  • The completion of the work.
  • The delivery of the work.
  • The reception of the work.
  • The liquidation of the work.
In order to facilitate the return of the retained guarantee funds, managing the proof of correction of work, a document that guarantees compliance with IMSS obligations.
What requirements do I need to register a work or incident with SIROC?
The Electronic Signature (FIEL), issued by the SAT.
How many times can I modify a work record and in what data?
The SIROC allows the registration to be modified up to 3 times, regarding the amount of the work, the date of completion of the work and the construction area.
How many incidents can employers submit to SIROC?
There are 6 incidents that can occur:
Update, Suspension, Resumption, Bimonthly Report, Cancellation and Termination.
Why is it important to present the SIROC?
In case of omitting the registration, you will be unable to present the bimonthly reports, which will make you creditor of strong economic sanctions for non-compliance.

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